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Colorless, odorless, radon is a radioactive gas that naturally seeps out of the ground. Radon is found in all areas of the country and has been flagged as a significant health concern. The EPA considers radon exposure to be the second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon becomes more of a concern as its concentration increases, which can happen in any house and is due to a combination of construction methods, ventilation, and geological conditions. Slab, crawlspace, and basement houses can all register radon concentrations above 4pCi/L, the EPA threshold for recommended remediation. Radon tests are non-invasive and take 48 hours to complete. You can learn more about radon at https://www.epa.gov/radon
Termites and other pests can be a significant threat to your home. In North Carolina, termite inspections fall under a different license than home inspections. Riverbend will coordinate a termite inspection with a certified specialist. For more information, check out the Homebuyer’s Guide for the Wood-Destroying Insect Report, published by the Department of Agriculture.

Termites and other pests can be a significant threat to your home. In North Carolina, termite inspections fall under a different license than home inspections. Riverbend will coordinate a termite inspection with a certified specialist. For more information, check out the Homebuyer’s Guide for the Wood-Destroying Insect Report, published by the Department of Agriculture.

Additional Buildings
Additional Buildings not attached to the main structure can be inspected for an additional fee. If there are additional buildings on the property to be inspected, please describe them in the inspection request comments to receive a quote.
Re-Inspections are done if you would like the inspector to verify that a repair has been made to defects listed on the report. Pricing varies depending on the number and type of items re-inspected.

Re-Inspections are done if you would like the inspector to verify that a repair has been made to defects listed on the report. Pricing varies depending on the number and type of items re-inspected.